Together we can have it all


People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously .

This is how character is built. - those words were said by Eleanor Roosevelt,

who was the First Lady of U.S.A from 1933 to 1945.

One of the most effective ways to meet life courageously is to step out of

our comfort zone. Thus we are able to take challenges, build our character

and be better leaders in today's world.

This evening, I earned this opportunity to recognize the commitments of our

Exco officers of this term. They invested their time and energy in serving Katong

Toastmasters Club, whilst taking the learning journey.

Together, we have walked away from a near Doom and Gloom period, months ago.

Together, we are moving towards a Bloom and Groom direction, with confidence.

There is an old saying … without failure, there is no success!

Join me in giving tokens in appreciation to my fellow team.

First on the leadership list is an Education Awards Expert, a schedule creator and

a champion of District 80 Evaluation Contest in 2010. District 80 covers a total of more than 200 clubs in Singapore and Thailand. She is our club’s Vice President of Education, Joni Siah. She is a Toastmaster whom any club would love to clone.

Second on the list is a retired military man. He is a master trainer in the corporate industry now. Here is his holistic key point in his training program, “ there is a solution to a problem if the ultimate intend is for the good of the other person“. His strategies are vital in the role of Assistant Vice President Education and continuing his support into next term as VPE. Justin Fong.

Third is a recruiter of the club. A passionate person who can be in great shape

without work. She is an early bird, bounds out of bed every morning, with irresistible

propositions to start every day. Let’s welcome, ‘Toastmasters Daily ‘…

current Vice President Membership , and incoming President in June , Leena.

Every club has a brand manager. Our brand manager is very apt for his role.

He captures the moments while you are enjoying your privilege on the speaking platform. His concerted effort in creating our new blog deserves a round of pat from us. He shared many romantic stories in his speeches and won a beautiful wife. The club’s Vice President Public Relations, Yeo Choon Liang.

Fifth Exco officer holds a profession in Accounting. She was the ex-President in 2007. She could respond to any given situation we may encounter in promoting the club. The lady with an abundance personality , social dancing , piano playing and has a mind as accurate as calculator. Assistant Vice President Public Relatios, Elaine Tan.

While we are on time with meeting, someone has to be on time with collection of dues for submission to the World Headquarters. Sixth is our chief accountant. She is warm and articulate, not like someone who works with the Tax Revenue. Please meet our friendliest money collector, the club treasurer, Merry Tjandra.

Request for the most respected leader in District 80 , District Governor ,

Michael Rodigues to present the next token .

Here’s a sneak preview of The Man with a Mission in 2005. The legend of a club begins with a charter president. He is a man that One-size-fits-all. Often times, he volunteered to take any roles in every meeting. His tag line is “Give me anything, I will take it. Our mighty charter president, Benjamin Gan.

Nobody has it all together but together, we can have it all.

Let the celebration begins. Toastmaster of the evening.


  1. "Nobody has it all together but together, we can have it all" - great chiasmus, Madam President !


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