2Get & 2Give vs 4Get & 4Give
Malcolm kicked off the meeting by asking what was everyone's favourite seafood. Some love salmon sushimi (Lynn), some are lobster lovers, prawn lovers (Joni, Benjamin Gan, James, Roann), others crave oysters (Brian), salted-egg crab (Seh Leng, Abraham) and chilli crab (Shahnawaz).
In her Opening Address, outgoing President Ida encouraged us to "talk the talk and walk the walk", to step out and reach out to others when the situation requires it. Leadership is action in progress. She shared an insightful mathematical equation: "2Get and 2Give creates many problems. Just double it... 4Get & 4Give solves many problems." She offered an alternative equation: "2Get & 2Give creates opportunities; 4Get & 4Give creates possibilities."
At the New Members Induction, we officially welcomed Shamala and Lynn to our club. They were presented with Eric Feng's book Get to the Point as a token of welcome.
Incoming Area Z3 Governor Abraham Ho graciously installed the incoming EXCO 2012-2013. He explained the role of each EXCO member and inspired them to fulfil their duties to the best of their abilities.
Incoming President Leena Santore expressed her feelings of honour and excitement in taking on the role of club President. She shared a quote by Isaac Newton: "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." She gave tribute to 3 "giants" for helping the club grow: Ida, Joni and Benjamin. It was a touching moment as she presented flowers and gifts to them. Read her full speech here.
In the mini workshop by DG Elect Patrick Oei, he brought us through the CC and CL manuals. He advised us to bring the CL manual whenever we visit other clubs. Advanced speakers can pursue the CL award concurrently while pursuing their educational awards.
Prepared Speeches
Lynn shared with us about her childhood days in the kampong. The games included catching spiders, using Y-shaped catapult to shoot at birds, somewhat like the popular 'Angry Birds' game, and combat fighting. As she reminisced about her childhood days, she realised how lucky she has been. Read her entire speech here.
Shahnawaz expounded on life as is a DIY project that requires time and effort. He shared 3 tips on how we can use our time effectively: try and do it right the first time; stay focused on the task at hand and set goals for each day, each week, each month. Read his entire speech here.
Table Topics
Benjamin gave us oxymorons as Table Topics. They are contrasting words or statements that contradict each other.
"To lead the people, walk behind them." - Laozi by Frances.
"The value of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults." - Peter de Vries by Shamala.
"The only wealth which you will keep forever is the wealth which you have given away." - Justin
"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's own ignorance." - Confucius by James
"I shut my eyes in order to see." - Seh Leng
"It is difficult to keep quiet when you have nothing to say." - Abraham
LE Lim Seh Leng inspired with us with her insightful speech on how when we shut our eyes to look within ourselves, we can tap on our inner wisdom to find solutions to our problems. She was voted Best Table Topics Speaker for the evening.
Nik commended Lynn for her preparation and use of humour in her speech. Areas for improvement include a more attention-grabbing opening, effective use of notes and better eye-contact.
Saddiqi identified the purpose of Shahnawaz's speech as to inform, persuade and inspire. The message was well-supported by the effective use of stories. The speech was well-organised by enumeration. Delivery-wise, Shahnawaz could slow down and use pauses to allow the audience to follow him better. Memorise the conclusion so that he can end off on a powerful note.
LE Seh Leng gave us a 2D evaluation: The first D is for Desired changes: pronunciation of words such as 'salmon', 'quotient', 'communicator', 'complacency', 'food', 'cheap', 'skills', 'exhilirating', 'imagery'.
The 2nd D is for Delightful uses of the language: alliteration such as 'clock credit', 'patience and perseverance'; rhymes such as 'vision and mission'';
triads such as 'sun, sea and sand', 'steam it, fry it and poach it'; parallel structure such as 'do not undermine, do not underestimate'.
To view the photos taken at the meeting, click here.
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