7th Anniversary Meeting 17 May 2012

Time Activity Appointment Holders
7.00pm Registration & Fellowship All Members & Guests
7.30pm Introductions by SAA Joni Siah, ACS, ALS
7.40pm Welcome Address by TME Yeo Choon Liang
7.45pm Opening Address by President Ida Lee, CC
7.50pm Prepared Speeches
1) P1 The Icebreaker Roann Kuan
2) P1 The Icebreaker Liu Gongping
3) P1 The Icebreaker Shamala
4) P2 Organise Your Speech Shahnawaz Lalani
5) P2 Organise Your Speech Rajendra Tiwari
8.25pm Timer's Report & Voting Merry Tjandra
8.30pm 7th Anniversary Toast & Cake-cutting Benjamin Gan, ACB, CL
8.40pm Break for Refreshment All Members & Guests
8.55pm Table Topics Session Benjamin Gan, ACB, CL
9.10pm Timer's Report & Voting Merry Tjandra
9.15pm Project Evaluations
1) P1 The Icebreaker Leena Santore
2) P1 The Icebreaker Justin Fong
3) P1 The Icebreaker Mohd Saddiqi, CC*
4) P2 Organise Your Speech Navin Parwal, ACB, CL*
5) P2 Organise Your Speech Michael Rodrigues, DTM*
9.30pm Timer's Report & Voting Merry Tjandra
9.35pm Ah Counter's Report James Wang*
9.40pm Presentation of Tokens & Awards Ida Lee, CC
9.45pm Closing Address Ida Lee, CC


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