P1 - Ice Breaker (April 2005 at SSC)

Benjamin had graciously contributed his project speeches for the Competent Communicator Manual. Below is his project 1 speech:

In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “It is NOT the years in your life that counts. It is the LIFE in your years”

Ladies and gentlemen:

This evening, I like to share with you something about myself through 3 ENCOUNTERS in my life. These ENCOUNTERS have shaped the way I think, influenced the way I relate to people, and inspired me to live a purpose-driven life.

When I was a student in the US many years ago, I had to work part-time to support myself. One day, I was having lunch with a colleague in the city of Chicago.

While we were waiting to cross the street, a police car APPEARED from NOWHERE and SUDDENLY stopped right in front of us. 2 police officers got out, GRABBED us by our NECKS and PUSHED us against the car. They searched us and then handcuffed us.

WHERE ARE THE DRUGS !! WHERE ARE THEY !!” they shouted. We were shocked. We explained we were workers out for lunch and knew nothing about drugs. They did not believe us and threw us in a jail with REAL drug dealers, who heard we were competition, and began BEATING THE DAYLIGHTS out of us. It was an UNBELIEVABLE experience, and one I will never forget. You see, the only crime we were guilty of, was that we looked and dressed different.

Some years later, I headed west to Berkeley, California. One of my neighbors was a DISABLED Vietnam-war veteran. He was not a happy man. He could not understand why his fellow Americans HATED him and the war. He was always using 4 letter words. It was F this and F that. One day, he gave me a BIG plant. “What a nice guyI thought to myself. Then, he started coming over to my apartment, REGULARLY, to “CHECK” on the plant. I got suspicious and I invited some friends over and they confirmed that it was a marijuana plant. My neighbor was using me.

I returned the plant, but NOT before my friend took some leaves and made some cigarettes with it. They then showed me how to smoke.

After inhaling 8 to 10 times, something strange happened. I began floating. I floated HIGHER AND HIGHER, until I reached the ceiling. When I looked down, I saw lying myself in bed, with my friends beside me. THEY WERE CRYING WHAT’S WRONG” I asked, “What’s Wrong !!” but they kept on crying. It dawned on me that I COULD BE DEAD !! “NO NO NO, NO NO I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die” I screamed and screamed. The HALLUCINATION was so real, it COULD ALMOST KILL.

About 5 years ago, I lost my job. I was then working in a management buy-out who objective was to buy under-performing companies, turn them around, and sell them for a profit.

One day, while I was away, my company was bought over… THE predator had become the prey. The newspaper carried the HEADLINE: “GOLDEN HANDSHAKE FOR CEO”. To me, the HEADLINE scrreamed: “MAN LOST HIS JOB”. My friends avoided me and my relatives laughed behind my back. I had never felt so embarrassed in my life.

These 3 encounters have taught me several lessons: 1) If you stand out in a crowd, you will be noticed 2) Beware of strangers bearing strange gifts 3) Drugs are dangerous and 4) What goes around, usually comes around.

These encounters have also changed my perspective of life: They gave me the Courage to venture beyond my comfort zone; they also help me to Focus on the important things in life; and finally, they gave NEW MEANINGS to the words, HOPE, HUMILITY AND EMPATHY.

There is a saying, ladies and gentlemen, “Life is NOT a PROBLEM to be SOLVED, BUT a REALITY to be EXPERIENCED”.


  1. wow! amazing experiences... who would have thought?


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