
Showing posts from October, 2016

20 October 2016 Meeting Synopsis

PROJECT SPEECHES Our August meeting saw a line-up of 5 speakers, 3 projects from the basic manual and 2 advanced projects. First speaker Tracey Yuen presented his P2 speech with the intriguing title  You are code. He told us to imagine  writing our signature. It seems so automatic yet involves many different steps, from holding the pen just right to making the ink impressions on paper.  When signing a document, we may need to r epeat our signature, and s ign at the right place.   In the same way, we can b reak down codes into chunks, repeat commands and ensure certain actions happen only when a prior action takes place. In this sense, w e humans are like computer codes. This analogy helps to demystify technology. Second speaker Swapna Menon, also presenting her P2 speech, shared about  The Essence of Indian Festivals.  Indians used to celebrate festivals everyday to bring life and exuberance. However, p overty came and only 30-40  festiva...

My Mentor J.O.N.I.

AP3: The Roast (Special Occasion Speeches manual) Time: 3 to 5 minutes Speech title: My Mentor J.O.N.I.  Love her or hate her, either way she will be chasing after you to make sure you do your projects! Good evening Toastmasters and friends, does that sound familiar? Tonight allow me to share more about our club's Vice-president of Education, Joni Siah. And to do that I will break it down into her name - J, O, N, I.  J is about how I JOINED Katong Toastmasters Club.  Last November, I came back as a visitor, but I was chased around the room and backed into a corner. Joni gave me 2 choices - either join this Toastmasters Club or join her Katong Running Club.  Knowing that I cannot outrun her, I asked to be signed up as a member. And that's how I ended up here, presenting a speech about her.  O is for Opponent.  Simply presenting a speech during club meeting is never ...

Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests August 2016

At our recently concluded Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests, our contestants entertained the audience with their humorous stories and shared insightful evaluations.  A big thank you to NUS Alumni TMC members for helping us to organise the event and make it such a resounding success!  Congratulations to all the participants and winners!   Humorous Speech Contest Champion Rajendra Tiwari  1st runner-up Geri Kan Evaluation Contest  Champion Joni Siah  1st runner-up Malcolm Chen  2nd runner-up Rajendra Tiwari The audience waiting for the contest to begin! Contestants for the Humorous Speech Contest Contestants for the Evaluation Contest! Our organising chair Gee Shing and TME James from NUSA TMC    A big thank you to Chief Judge Area Director Chen Huangzhi and all our appointment holders Our test speaker Nazir who spoke about Kindness Special tokens presented by I...