Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests August 2016

At our recently concluded Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests, our contestants entertained the audience with their humorous stories and shared insightful evaluations. 

A big thank you to NUS Alumni TMC members for helping us to organise the event and make it such a resounding success! 

Congratulations to all the participants and winners! 

Humorous Speech Contest
Champion Rajendra Tiwari 
1st runner-up Geri Kan

Evaluation Contest 
Champion Joni Siah 
1st runner-up Malcolm Chen 
2nd runner-up Rajendra Tiwari

The audience waiting for the contest to begin!

Contestants for the Humorous Speech Contest

Contestants for the Evaluation Contest!

Our organising chair Gee Shing and TME James from NUSA TMC
A big thank you to Chief Judge Area Director Chen Huangzhi and all our appointment holders
Our test speaker Nazir who spoke about Kindness

Special tokens presented by Ida Lee to
Immediate Past President Aarti,
VPE Joni and Eliz for their hard work
in the previous term 2015-2016.

Rajendra Tiwari - Champion for Humorous Speech Contest
Joni Siah - Champion for Evaluation Contest
Geri Kan - 1st runner-up for Evaluation Contest
Malcolm Chen - 1st runner-up for Evaluation Contest

Big smiles for a successful contest!


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