My Mentor J.O.N.I.

AP3: The Roast (Special Occasion Speeches manual)
Time: 3 to 5 minutes
Speech title: My Mentor J.O.N.I. 

Love her or hate her, either way she will be chasing after you to make sure you do your projects!

Good evening Toastmasters and friends, does that sound familiar? Tonight allow me to share more about our club's Vice-president of Education, Joni Siah. And to do that I will break it down into her name - J, O, N, I. 

J is about how I JOINED Katong Toastmasters Club. 
Last November, I came back as a visitor, but I was chased around the room and backed into a corner. Joni gave me 2 choices - either join this Toastmasters Club or join her Katong Running Club. Knowing that I cannot outrun her, I asked to be signed up as a member. And that's how I ended up here, presenting a speech about her. 

O is for Opponent. 
Simply presenting a speech during club meeting is never enough for Joni. She would make use of ways and means such as threatening to sever our friendship if I don't take part in speech contest. To make matter worse, she volunteered herself to be my mentor.  And it was only after I signed up for the speech contest that she told me that she would also be participating, beating me not once, but twice this year. 

N is for Never say No (to her baking). 
Joni is passionate about public speaking, and beyond that she loves to share her interest of baking with us. She loves to bake so much that her husband and children refuse to eat her spoils. So she has no choice but to bring her cakes to our club meeting. In fact, she overworked her oven so much that it started smoking when she was baking blueberry cupcakes last night. And because she is my mentor, not only do I have to eat her cakes, I also have to compliment how tasty they are. 

I is for I love you! 
Joni, all these are said in the interest of humour. I want to conclude with the letter I and let you know that I love you. Thank you for being there for me as a friend and mentor. 
And as a token of my appreciation to you, I would like to invite you up to receive this bouquet of flowers. Would you join me on the stage please?

by Malcolm Chen, CC


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