March 2017 Chapter Meeting

16 March 2017 A terrific meeting with New Members Induction to officially welcome 2 new members and four powerful speakers who mesmerised us with their speeches. NEW MEMBERS INDUCTION *** Welcoming our new members Cherylene Tan and Hyun Joo (HJ) Their welcome gifts: Books by Eric Feng PREPARED SPEECHES *** HJ in her debut Icebreaker speech shared about how food connects people. She recalls childhood days in Korea where her mother would gather the whole family to make kimchi and how they bonded over that experience. HJ presenting P1 The Icebreaker Speech In her P3 (Get to the Point) speech "I am the Power", Swapna s hared 3 tips on how we can stay up. (1) Believe in yourself, (2) concentrate on positive things, (3) get inspired and be an inspiration to others. Swapna: "I Am The Power!" in AP2 Conquering the Cold Call (Persuasive Speaking Manual), Geri showed us how to handle cold calls in a role pl...