Our April chapter meeting featured a special workshop Mindfulness for Public Speaking by Toastmaster Ratna Juita from Brahms Toastmasters Club. According to Jon Kabat-Zinn (founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction), mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.

Ratna shared with us three useful tips on using mindfulness to reduce speaking anxiety:
1. Shift your focus from self to others
2. Be courageous - stand up and talk - putting growth above fear
3. Mindfulness Practice
- body awareness
- breathing in (there's a fear in me)
- breathing out (I smile)

Prepared speech segment
P3 (Get to the Point) speaker Jane tells us to take up the challenge by learning to bend, adapt, re-shape and reform. She illustrated this with stories from her childhood and school days, and how she was able to overcome the challenges she faced to win a singing competition scholarship to further her education.

Leanne presented her P10 speech Shut Up Critic! She shares anecdotes about how easily others criticize us and yet sometimes the biggest critic is the one in our own heads. She learns to shut up other critics by setting boundaries and having compassion as they are usually more critical about themselves than others. She shuts up her inner critic by aiming for progress, not perfection.  

Defriceni presented AP1 The Effective Salesperson from the Persuasive Speaking Manual. This project required her to do a role-play to sell a product. Roann played the role of customer, while Defriceni shared with her the marvels of the erasable pen.

Ida attempted AP4 The Personal Story from the Storytelling Manual. In her story entitled "Not limited to time and space", she recounted how her dog was run over by a car and was in critical condition. She had to send her to a vet hospital. Ida also enlisted the help of a remote dog healer, who was able to enhance the healing and recovery of her dog through complimentary therapy. 

Presentation of awards:

Congratulations to Marjane Pulvera, who was voted Best Speaker!

Congratulations to Leanne on achieving her CC award!

Congratulations to both Geri and Roseann, voted Best Evaluator! It's a tie!

Congratulations to visiting guest Aaron, who was voted Best Table Topics Speaker!

A group shot of the Katong TMC members, visiting Toastmasters and guests! =)


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