
Showing posts from June, 2013

3 Ingredients: RWS

Presented by  Club President (Jul-Dec 2013)  Ida Lee, CC The 3 most important ingredients that motivate me are R.W.S. First ingredient R : Respect I have a piece of information on TEN GOLDEN RULES FOR GOOD TIME MANAGEMENT  which I kept for 10 years.  Rule No. 10  states: “ Use the Elephant Techniques “ -  ` You can eat elephants quite easily if you can eat one bite at a time’ . This is exactly what our club President Leena has done during her term. Through e mails & Actions, gaining Point By Point,  Katong has earned the Distinguished Club Program Award through her leadership.   She earns my Respect. I am grateful for a proud moment of achievement. The second ingredient is Wonders . I am grateful to the wonders of our members when they tap into my mind with meaningful stories, a nd often personal touching stories.   Stories from the reflections  in the lakes of India to A Talk on Women’s Rights.  Thi...

Pushing Against A Rock

Sergeant-At-Arms Peter began the round of introductions by inviting everyone to share what was their goal for the evening. Many were here to network, to encourage someone through their evaluations or enjoy the evening away from haze. TME Lim Seh Leng prayed for haze to go away. She introduced the appointment holders and anticipated the milestone speeches that would be presented. In her opening address, Leena told the story about a man who was told by God to push a huge rock outside his cabin. After years the rock hasn't moved an inch.  The man was worn out and feeling like a failure. But as a result he became strong and able to withstand severe testing. He learned patience and perseverance. God said the purpose wasn't for him to change the position of the rock, but to change himself.  In the same way, she felt she was pushing against a rock but through it all, she had learnt to be stronger.  Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it has taken a dedicated ...


President  Ida Lee, CC (Jul-Dec 2013)                  Joni Siah, DTM (Jan-Jun 2014) VP Education  Aarti Kabra VP Membership  Shahnawaz Lalani VP Public Relations  Joni Siah, DTM Secretary  Parul Shinde Treasurer  Roann Kuan Sergeant-At Arms  Maria Benu


CHAPTER MEETING DATES 2013-2014 (3rd Thursday) 18 July 2013 15 August 2013  (Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest) 19 September 2013 17 October 2013 21 November 2013 19 December 2013 (Joint meeting with Brilliant Advanced Toastmasters Club) 16 January 2014 20 February 2014 (International Speech and Table Topics Contests) 20 March 201 4 17 April 2014 15 May 2014 (8th Anniversary Celebration) 19 June 2014 AREA/DIVISION Z EVENT DATES 2013-2014 1. Division Z Club Officers' Training I 6 July 2013 (Saturday) Venue: Chong Pang CC Auditorium Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm 2. Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests Area Z3: 24 Sep 2013 @ Bishan CC Division Z:  19 Oct 2013 @ Thomson CC 3. Division Z Club Officers' Training II 18 Jan 2014 (Saturday) Venue: AIA Changi Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm 4. International Speech & Table Topics Contest Area Z3: March 2014 Division Z: April 2014 5. Achievers' Day To be confirme...