3 Ingredients: RWS
Presented by Club President (Jul-Dec 2013) Ida Lee, CC The 3 most important ingredients that motivate me are R.W.S. First ingredient R : Respect I have a piece of information on TEN GOLDEN RULES FOR GOOD TIME MANAGEMENT which I kept for 10 years. Rule No. 10 states: “ Use the Elephant Techniques “ - ` You can eat elephants quite easily if you can eat one bite at a time’ . This is exactly what our club President Leena has done during her term. Through e mails & Actions, gaining Point By Point, Katong has earned the Distinguished Club Program Award through her leadership. She earns my Respect. I am grateful for a proud moment of achievement. The second ingredient is Wonders . I am grateful to the wonders of our members when they tap into my mind with meaningful stories, a nd often personal touching stories. Stories from the reflections in the lakes of India to A Talk on Women’s Rights. Thi...