Synopsis of Chapter meeting on 20 May 2010

Katong Toastmasters Club celebrated its 5th Anniversary during its chapter meeting on 20 May 2010. A total of 12 members, 4 visiting toastmasters and 2 walk-in guests attended the meeting. SAA Jesslin called the meeting to a start at 7.40 pm. She asked members to introduce themselves and to describe how they felt that day.

TME Tarwin addressed the meeting by highlighting the evening’s programme changes. The club president, Joni Siah, then gave the opening address. She used an alphabet game to get the audience to unscramble given words. The final key phrases had a key message: “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is more important than the outcome”.

The special highlight for the 5th Anniversary celebration was a mini-workshop conducted by Wekie Tay (DTM, Telok Blangah), entitled “Lets Groove”. He spoke about the differences and preferences between men and women. He ended by using the acronym ACTS to encourage us to Acknowledge the differences between the two genders, Create fun, Thrive together and Seek understanding from each other.

The prepared speeches session was next. The first speaker, Bruce Pei, did his P4 speech (How to say it) entitled “Respect + Love + Cooperation = Success”. He spoke about how he realised that practising Kungfu alone was not sufficient. In order to succeed in life, he also needed to understand how to respect others first in order to gain respect from others, how to love oneself, one’s family and one’s friends and how to cooperate with others at the workplace.

The second speaker, Ida Lee, presented her P9 speech (Persuade with power) entitled “Pursuit of Happiness”. She narrated a true story with a tragic ending, in which a Vietnamese employee, Ah Han, killed his employer, Jason, after a heated argument about some work issues. Ah Han was subsequently run over by a taxi and died. The moral of the story was “success is achieved only when both IQ & EQ are used.” Jason was killed because he did not know how to manage his employee, thus pushing him to the edge of his emotions.

Kenneth Tian was the third speaker. He repeated his P10 speech (Inspire your audience) entitled “Get into Action”. He spoke about “doing what you said you will do” and not procrastinate. One needed a lot of initiative and drive in-order to take action. He shared 3 tips on how to get into action to achieve our goals: take action with belief, take action now and take action habitually.

Malcolm Chen was the last speaker who presented his AP1 speech (Mastering the Toast). He distributed glasses of “wine” to the audience before proposing a toast to the club president, Joni Siah. He spoke about how the club had progressed from its early beginnings to where it was now. He also challenged the in-coming club president, Nik Chua, to bring the club to greater heights.

During the project evaluation session, the first evaluator, Yong Chee Kien (from NUS Alumni), commended the speaker, Bruce, for his efforts in putting together and delivering a well-organised speech. For improvement, he suggested that the speaker be more aware of his sentence structure and not use direct translations from Mandarin to English. He should also improve on his pronunciation and use more rhetorical devices and stories to illustrate his points.

The second evaluator, Lee Min (from Singhealth Nurses), commended Ida for the use of an effective true story that was personal to her. The story highlighted the importance of having EQ as well as IQ in-order to achieve success. She suggested that the speaker use more logic and emotion to inspire the audience, organise the speech around the title and avoid looking at her notes.

Third evaluator, Jenny Au (from Toa Payoh Central), commended Kenneth for starting his speech well as he was able to connect with the audience by having good stage presence and eye contact. The speaker also ended the speech well with his 3 recommendations. For improvement, Kenneth could share more personal stories from his social and work life and use emotional appeal with greater impact to push his points across.

The last speaker’s evaluator, Benjamin Gan, commended Malcolm for being a warm and bubbly person, having good eye contact with the audience and using good vocal variety. However, it could have been more effective to toast to one person instead of two since the toast was only a 2-3 min speech. The drinks could have been distributed before the start of his speech to save time. Benjamin also suggested that Malcolm personalise his speech (about Joni) by using anecdotes and highlighting her past achievements. The speech’s opening, body and conclusion was also unclear as the speaker was rushing through his speech due to time constraint.

The table topics master, George Goh, started the table topics session by explaining the evening’s theme which was to tell a creative story using given items. The items, such as a whistle, mask, balloon etc, were in line with the evening’s celebration. The table topic speakers were Ruby Nguyen (guest), Nik Chua, Ellen Sangtoso (guest) and Serene (guest).

Stephen Lim gave his debut Ah Counter’s report, followed by the presentation of ribbons by the club president and a special lucky draw. The evening’s best speaker was Kenneth Tian and the best Table Topic speaker was Nik Chua. Joni gave the closing address, thanking members and friends for being a part of Katong TMC’s 5th Anniversary celebration.

Written by George Goh

To view the photos for this event, go to!/album.php?aid=211296&id=119437361797&ref=mf


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