
Showing posts from October, 2020

Crazy Hats/Halloween Meeting 15 October 2020

We had an enchanting and spooktacular evening with members donning different crazy hats or Halloween get up.  Here's our Toastmaster of the Evening Rubin looking very enigmatic in her witch's hat and glittery mask, guiding us through the night's proceedings. Our enigmatic TME Rubin Club President Swarna completed her Innovative Planning L5 Speech "Mirror, mirror on the wall" as her opening address. She reflected on her learning journey in pursuing the Innovative Planning Pathway and the many lessons on leadership she has learnt. "Mirror, mirror on the wall" by Club President Swarna We had three Icebreaker speeches from our new members Haifa, Rachel and Bee Bee, as well as a Level 2 speech from Effective Coaching Pathway by veteran member Malcolm Chen. Haifa related a story that affected her deeply. Months before her O level exams, she was diagnosed with Hepatitis A, a viral infection that caused her liver to become enlarged and inflamed. She had to be ho...


OCTOBER 2020 15  October 2020  (Thursday) 7-10pm October  Chapter Meeting Theme: Crazy hats/Halloween 31 October 2020 (Saturday) 2-3.30pm 6 Ways to Make a Speech Engaging  by Kok Yee Keong A Workshop organised by Division Z NOVEMBER 2020 19 November 2020 (Thursday) 7-10pm November Chapter Meeting Theme: Willy Wonka 29 November 2020 (Sunday) 2-4.30pm Evaluate to Elevate by DTM John Sih A Workshop organised by Division Z DECEMBER 2020 12 December 2020 (Saturday) 2-5pm Club Officers Training (COT) 2 For ALL EXCO members 17 December 2020 (Thursday) 7-10pm December Chapter Meeting Theme: Super Heroes JANUARY 2021 7 January 2021 (Thursday) 7.30-9.30pm No frills meeting  21 January 2021 (Thursday) 7-10pm Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests FEBRUARY 2021 18 February 2021 (Thursday) 7-10pm International Speech & Table Topics Contests 21    February 2021 (Sunday) 3-5pm EXCO Meeting MARCH 2021 18 March 2021  (Thursday) 7-10pm March  Chapter Me...


  We kickstarted the last quarter of the year with a phenomenal joint meeting with Tampines Changkat Toastmasters Club. We even came up with two portmanteaus (blend of two words) to describe our union: Changkatong or Kachang (which do you prefer? 😊) SAA Bhaskar (from TCTMC) started the meeting promptly at 7.30pm and welcomed members from both clubs, eliciting excited whoops and enthusiastic applause. TME Wayne Nerva (from TCTMC) upped the energy level with his clever puns and succinct introductions of each appointment holder. Language Evaluator Hyder Taufik (from TCTMC) gave us "ascend" as Word of the Day. It's a verb that means to "move, climb or go upward; rise to a higher point or degree". We definitely hope the joint meeting tonight allows us to ascend to greater heights of online collaboration! TCTMC President Wendy Wang likened the current pandemic to a battlefield. In his words, "Everyday is like a war zone, fighting in an endless battle. We'...