21 July 2016 chapter meeting marks the beginning of the new term 2016-2017. We were delighted to welcome three new members Yau Hong, Tracey and Charles. VP Membership Malcolm conducted the New Members Induction to officially welcome them. New Members Induction for new members Yau Hong, Tracey and Charles, joined by mentor Vera. We had the honour of having Area Z3 Director Chen Huangzhi to conduct the EXCO Installation for the incoming EXCO team for the term 2016-2017. All EXCO members were represented except for Ida (Secretary) and Aarti (Treasurer). The team pledged to serve the club to the best of their ability. EXCO Installation by Area Z3 Director Chen Huangzhi Following the EXCO Installation, incoming President Raj addressed the audience with his inaugural speech. He shared about his journey in Toastmasters and how it has helped him become a 3C speaker - clear, confident and competent. (Read the entire speech here .) The highlight of the meeting...