17 July 2014 Meeting Synopsis

What an inspirational, energizing evening!

Following the induction of Katong Toastmasters new Exco Members, 22-year-old inspirational speaker Hitesh Ramchandani spoke about succeeding in the face of cerebral palsy. "Will you give up or will you keep moving?" asked the Singapore Institute of Management student who amazed everyone with his humour, tenacity, and spunkiness.

Hitesh, who has had to overcome the challenge of doing everyday things that most of us take for granted, definitely never gives up.

Aparna Saxena impressed by launching into her P1 ice-breaker project with no notes. The only daughter of a scientist and a banker, Aparna learned at a young age to make her own decisions and question the status quo. Her guiding principle is that life is meant to be lived and not subsisted. And hence her motto: YOLO! "You only live once"

Doing her P2 was Cwenn Goh spoke of building confidence and overcoming fear. Her mantra: never give up!

The ever-entertaining Parul Shinde, presenting her P5, used body language to great effect speaking about the value of silence. Keeping silent - even for 24 hours - gave her discipline, peace and the opportunity to set goals.

Toastmaster of the evening Jo Hartanto then accomplished  the impossible feat of introducing the next speaker without uttering a word - and kept the audience in stitches in the process.

Finally, Rajendra Tiwari delivered his Humourous Speech on his hilarious search for a spouse and his subsequent arranged marriage. Said the very happy Raj, who recently celebrated his 13th anniversary: "Choice in Marriage doesn't matter - what matters is what you make of it"

Given that Katong Toastmasters Club is known for being sociable, it was only fitting that the table topics theme for the evening was social media. Four speakers were on their toes keeping us entertained.

And the award winners for the evening were:
Best speaker: Raj Tiwari
Best table topics speaker: Hitesh Ramchandani
Best evaluator: Manoj Vasudevan

Best speaker: Raj Tiwari

Best table topics speaker: Hitesh Ramchandani

Best evaluator: Manoj Vasudevan


Speakers for the evening

Inspirational Talk by Hitesh Ramchandani


  1. I was deeply inspired by Hitesh's speech and I told my boys about him the next day. I hope they will catch that spirit of tenacity - never give up!


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