International Speech & Table Topics Contests 2014

Our annual International Speech & Table Topics Contests 2014 is here once again. We have the blessed help of our friends from NUS Alumni Toastmasters Club to organise the contest, ensuring the smooth running and success of the contest event.

In the International Speech Contest, there were 3 contestants: Raj, Leena and Joni.

Raj inspired us with his speech Building Bridges, drawn from his personal experiences with his father. Leena shared a story of how her dream to become a dancer ended before it even began when she was 7. Nevertheless, she pursued the dream many years later and tells us that It's Never Too Late to pursue our dreams and passions.

Joni had us in stitches by sharing frivolous ideas on how to stay forever young before expounding on the main message of staying young at heart: be Curious, be Carefree, be Courageous to pursue your dreams.

For the Table Topics Contest, there were 5 contestants: Aarti, Raj, Maria, Geri and Joni.
The topic was a quote by Mother Theresa:

“We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”

We would like to thank all who have helped in one way or another to make this event a roaring success:

Logistics         Ida Lee
Photographer Vera Wee
Food/Drinks   Maria Benu
Program         Aarti Kabra

Organising Chair Guo Cheng (NUS Alumni)
Contest Chair      Wee Gee Shing (NUS Alumni)
Chief Judge         Nicholas Ong (Area Z3 Governor) & his panel of judges
Timers                  Diane Ng (NUS Alumni)
                              Derek Lee (Punggol)
Tally Counters     Evelyn Gay (NUS Alumni)
                              Yong Chee Kian (NUS Alumni)
SAA                      James Wang (NUS Alumni)
                              Peter Lee (Marine Parade)

Results of the contests:

International Speech Contest
1st runner-up Joni Siah
Champion     Leena Santore

Table Topics Contest
2nd runner-up  Maria Benu
1st runner-up   Geri Kan
Champion        Joni Siah

Our club contest winners will go on to represent the club at the Area Z3 Contest on Thursday 27 March 2014 7-10pm at Katong Community Centre. Do come and support them!

Some of friends from other clubs helping out in the contest!

Contestants for the Table Topics Contest... Smile!

Presenting Certificates to all our contestants!

Congratulations to all our contest winners!

Table Topics Contest 2nd runner-up Maria Benu

Table Topics Contest 1st runner-up Geri Kan

Table Topics Contest Champion Joni Siah

To view all the photos taken at the contest, click  here.


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