4Ps to Success

Sergeant-At-Arms Maria welcomed everyone and invited us to share our New Year Resolutions in 2013 and whether we achieved them. She shared about her father's health challenges and how coming to know God made a huge difference for him. Leena signed up to teach students in Batam and has been doing it monthly. Choon Liang attained his CC title, got married and is getting his new house keys (read: housewarming party!!). Geri ran a half marathon in less than 1.5 hours (1 hour and 29 minutes to be exact). Shahnawaz won two contests last year - Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests and was recently promoted at work.

Language Evaluator Vera delineated the purpose of Language Evaluation for the benefits of
guests: to highlight good use of English, correct language mistakes and to introduce a Word of the Day to expand our vocabulary. The Word of the Day is judicious, which means using or showing judgment as to an action. E.g. He became a millionaire by the judicious use of his money.

Club President Joni shared the 4Ps to success: Purpose, Plan, Perform, Pray. She encouraged everyone to have a Purpose for their goals, to have an action Plan, to Perform the actions with conviction, commitment and consistency to see results, and above all, to Pray for wisdom, grace and strength to light our way. Not only should we set New Year resolutions, we should also have monthly, weekly and daily resolutions to motivate ourselves to achieve our goals.

Prepared Speeches
Geri, in her Project 3 speech, convinced us why everyone's first job should be in journalism. She shared personal experiences about how she has acquired effective oral and written
communication skills, critical thinking and analytical skills, curiosity and imagination
through her job. These are skills that she is able to carry with her into her next job.

Raj shared a personal story in his AP2 Let's Get Personal project entitled "The side effects of my co-ed schooling". When Raj was studying in a co-ed school for two years, he was constantly reminded by his father to focus on his academic goals, not girls. Through various experiences, he learnt that competition brought out the best in him and that his father was wrong in saying girls are not important. He believes that man is not complete without woman and feels blessed by the many women in his life: mother, wife, daughter, friends.

Shahnawaz, in his AP2 Speaking in Praise, spoke in praise of his mentor Joni. He thanked all the members for their friendship and guidance in the view of the fact that he would be moving to Warsaw for work due to a recent promotion. He recounted how he had benefited from an evaluation workshop conducted by Joni and subsequently, as a club member, personally benefited from having his scripts edited and reviewed by her. He gave her credit for helping him to improve as a speaker and win in two recent contests at the Area level. 

Table Topics Session
Table Topics Master Aarti came with a mystery bag containing items that have become obsolete or are now seldom used. Speakers would draw an item from the bag and speak about it.

Leena got a Mario Brothers Nintendo game and she has never ever played this game. Her mother frowned on all such frivolous entertainment. However, she might consider letting her son play it in moderation.

Jo (from Buddhist Fellowship TMC) picked up a cassette tape but has no experience with it as he is too young. His experience with music came in the form of CD players, MP3 and ipod.

Eliz recalled receiving holiday postcards from her friend in her younger days. Though envious, she is happy to be remembered by her friend. 

Kelvin has never read Archie comics before, he was more interested in Dragonball and
Doraemon, Chinese comics.

Yifeng recalled the days when films were used in cameras and how laborious it was to get
photographs developed. However, he treasured the special privilege given by his parents to use the camera to capture special moments and precious memories.

Project Evaluation
Yifeng commended Geri for the insights she offered in her project speech through
quoting Wagner, sharing personal experiences and using clear organization. He suggested appealing to a Singaporean context and smiling more.

Kelvin commended Raj for using the power of three in organising his speech. He
recommended limiting the number of characters in his stories to simplify them, injecting more vocal variety to distinguish the different characters, and giving a more intriguing title for his

Patrick Sehoo praised Shahnawaz for his judicious choice of topic to show appreciation
and bid farewell at the same time. He was sincere and able to share personal, credible
anecdotes. One important tip: Use pauses to add impact to his speech, especially when transiting from one point to another.

Language Evaluation
Vera commended Geri and Patrick for using the Word of the Day. She highlighted use of metaphors such as tight deadlines, shaped my development; contrast such as focus on goals, not on girls; and rhyme such as change blunders into wonders.


Best Speaker: Geri Kan (Project 3)
Best Evaluator: Kelvin Sum (Leng Kee Advanced TMC)
Best Table Topics Speaker: Khoo Yi Feng (NUS TMC)

We are happy to welcome guests Glenn, Joyce, Yu Mei, Eliz and Cwenn, who have signed up as new members of the club! Vera, from Changi-Simei TMC and Jo, from Buddhist Fellowship TMC, are also joining our club as dual members. Welcome to all of you!

Our next meeting is on 20th February 2014, which will feature our annual International Speech and Table Topics Contest. Only members who have completed P6 and above can participate in the International Speech Contest. The Table Topics Contest is open to all members.

CLUB SOCIAL: CNY potluck gathering at Joni's place is on Friday 7 February, 6-9pm. Mark this down on your calendar! 

Thumbs up for Katong Toastmasters Club!!

To view more photos taken at the meeting, click here 


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