From Impossible to Possible

Synopsis October 2013

In the opening address by President Ida, she shared about a challenge her printing company faced in trying to meet an “impossible” deadline. By word of mouth, the colleagues gathered family and friends to help out with the project and they achieved the impossible! Though the company faced a loss, they did not lose face. Lesson learnt: We can overcome setbacks with commitment.  

Prepared speeches
Derek Lee from Pasir Ris East TMC presented his P5 speech Am I addicted to FB? He assures us that he's not and goes on to categorise his FB friends. The FB action hero is the “addict” who is constantly posting and updating his status and any random happenings. The FB stalker will like and comment on all his friends ' posts almost immediately. FB Justice League consist of “heroes” who will post pictures of misdemeanours to shame the offenders.  

Rajendra attempting AP1 The Folk Tale told us a moving story about Revenge! Bhargav and his wife's only son was sick with malaria. They brought him to see the Doctor in the evening but were turned away as it was closing time. The doctor told them to come back the next morning but the son died. The doctor was blessed with two children, fame and wealth. On the day of his son's wedding, his son Kalas was bitten by a cobra. The doctor could not save his own son. Bhargav happened to be an expert in treating snake bites. He ran to Dr Cheddai's place and saved Kalas' life. Dr Cheddai came to Bhargav the next day and asked for forgiveness.  

For his AP2 Uplift The Spirit, Shahnawaz inspired us to Be in the Present. He lamented on how we lead such busy lives with punishing schedules and demanding bosses.  He shared tips on meditation and how 10 minutes of emptying our minds can help us find a sense of calm, peace and tranquility.  

Table Topics Session
Leena brought an interesting collection of hats to be used as talking point. Siva picked the tiara and reminisced about how he fell in love with his wife when he saw her wearing a tiara during a contest. It was love at first sight.  

Elaine, in her fireman hat, paid tribute to firemen and how much she respects them for the sacrifices they make in saving lives.  

Jhelyn wore the baseball cap the wrong way round because she's tired of being a goody-two-shoes and wants to be BAD! In fact, she wants to be a rock star!  

Nicholas chose the army helmet and recalled his days in the army. He initially thought the helmet looked cool but on his first field trip realised it was a burden that not only induced incessant perspiration, but also caused brain freeze.  

Swee Leong looked rugged in the cowboy hat. He enthuses about history of the civil war, Confederation and how the Indians fought bravely to preserve their land and traditions.  

Choon Liang swaggered in the pirate hat and wanted to look as bad yet sexy like Johnny Depp. He is ever on the lookout for treasures and is happy with two treasures he found this year - his wife and Down Under.  

Project Evaluations
Jun praised Derek for his interesting opening, and the use of questions to involve the audience. His choice of topic was one that the audience could relate to. He recommended that Derek put in effort for more practice to make the delivery smoother and more impactful.  

Vera commended Raj for being a natural story teller.  She suggested the use of vocal variety to convey different characters and impressed us by demonstrating how that could be done. She also demonstrated how dramatisation could be used to spice up the delivery.  

Joni liked Shahnawaz' vivid use of language inthe formof varied rhetorical devices, use of activity to engage the audience and incorporating humour in his speech. She advised him to avoid words like “you guys”, “kind of”, to cut out irrelevant content and to make a stronger statement about his key message.  

Language Evaluation
Our Language Evaluator Patrick commended all who used the word of the day “ground ” and variations of it. Vera was voted for best usage with her triad “what was groundbreaking, what crashed to the ground and what would catapult you off the ground”.  He highlighted good use of  English such  as "To become a better speaker, you better speak"; use of contrast eg "From fear to enthusiasm, from impossible to possible"; use of  rhythm eg "meditate to levitate". Things to avoid include redundant use of language eg "time passed on", "calming my senses down". Use of abbreviations eg SAF, ORD should be explained.

A big thank you to our TME for the evening Manoj, District 80 Humorous Speech Contest Champion and recently 2013 District 80 International Speech Champion. He shared about how rewarding his experience of taking part in the contest in USA has been. In 2009, he was not even placed at his club Humorous Speech Contest and determined to learn everything he could about humour. In 2010, he went on to win the District 80 Humorous Speech Contest. The next year, he decided to learn everything he could about evaluation, and went on to clinch the champion trophy for the District 80 Evaluation Contest. Manoj is really an inspiration to all of us!

Congratulations to the following who were voted for their outstanding performance:
Best Speaker Shahnawaz
Best Table Topics Speaker Siva and Nicholas
Best Evaluator Vera Wee  


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