Together we are an ocean

Opening Address by Leena on 21 June 2012

On behalf of Katong Toastmasters Club, I would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Patrick, Saddiqi and Abraham on their appointments. Thank you for stepping up to the leadership challenge. We offer you our support and seek yours in return. We look forward to working with you in the coming year.

Ladies and Gentlemen

I stand before you honored and excited to accept the role as President of Katong Toastmasters Club. My dedicated EXCO team members and I will continue our efforts toward increasing club membership. We will uphold our tradition of quality meetings and workshops and strive toward attaining the goals outlined in the Distinguished Club Program.

The famous 17th century scientist Isaac Newton said, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” This simply means we can see a greater distance not because of our own sight but because we are raised up on the shoulders - on the experience, wisdom and knowledge - of those who have gone before us.

There are three “giants,” upon whose shoulders we stood during some difficult times we faced this past year. They never lost sight of the vision or mission of our club. They had the patience and perseverance to press on. They believed we would pull through that difficult time. We still have much to accomplish as a club but we are in a much better place today. This evening, I would like to take a moment to thank them.

The first person I would like to recognize has worked tirelessly serving both front and center as well as behind the scenes. I am inspired by her grace and generosity. I am humbled by her heart of service. She always sacrifices her time and talents putting the needs of others before her own and has led our club to where we are today. She is a tough act to follow and I can only hope to be the kind of club president she has been. I would like to welcome her up to receive a small token of our appreciation so fellow Toastmasters, please put your hands together and welcome our outgoing club President Ida Lee!

The second person I would like to acknowledge has been a long standing Toastmaster. I am always impressed by how many people know her. She has served in every role from Sergeant-At-Arms to Area Governor and has mentored countless toastmasters, including me. Her tenacity and determination never ceases to amaze me. She pushes us to our limits by demanding the best from us. Month after month, through her intricate network, she has conscientiously weaved together quality, fun-filled meetings and workshops for us. Our club wouldn’t be where we are today without her. Ladies and Gentelmen, please join me in welcoming outgoing Vice President Education Joni Siah!

The third person I would like to recognize this evening has also been a Toastmaster for many years. He had dream. He had a vision. Through his vision, Katong Toastmasters Club was born. This club has and continues to help countless people achieve their dreams. I am constantly inspired by his wisdom, kindness and good sense of humor despite difficult circumstances. He is always willing to lend a hand and recently made a generous donation to our club. We shall miss him greatly this upcoming year as he will be taking time to travel and be with his family. Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s give it up for our Charter Club President Benjamin Gan!

Fellow members, it will take more than the EXCO members to achieve our goals. We need YOU! We need your presence and participation. Individually, we may be one drop but together we are an ocean - so I invite you to join us as we strive together to take our club to the next level.


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