Toastmaster of the evening Malcolm Chen started the evening by requesting fellow toastmasters and guests to share quotes that are germane and meaningful to their lives. Many quotes were exchanged and one of the more interesting quote shared was “Good, better, best, when the good is better, try to make it best”.

Shu Cheng began her maiden speech “My Journey” and her speech depicted her journey into Singapore after receiving a scholarship. Stepping out of her comfort zone, she embraced challenges in Singapore and managed to make many wonderful friends.

Our next speaker Leena presented her P4 speech titled “Everything I learnt, I learn from my first job fair”. She enlightened the crowd with her encounters in the job fair, like the importance of an elevator speech and a firm handshake.

Choon Liang presented his P 5 speech on “Close encounters”. He shared 3 of his memorable encounters with children, and was glad that he was playing a part in the growing up journey of the child he met.

Last but not least, Joni’s AP4 speech on the “Perils of parenting” and she enticed the crowd with her 3Ps, pee, poo and puke. She also advised that parenting is not easy and one must face the sacrifices and challenges.

The next segment was the project evaluation and Ming Sheng evaluated Shu Cheng’s P1 speech. He commented her good use of language but she would need to improve on her eye contact as our eyes are the window to our souls.

2nd evaluator Yew Jin applauded Leena’s speech as clear, concise and compelling. The topic chosen was also germane to the audience. Leena mentioned numerous disadvantages of networking in her speech and she would need to include advantages as well.

3rd evaluator Navin commended Choon Liang on his entertaining and engaging speech. Choon Liang must improve his gestures and incorporate role play in his speech.

4th evaluator Sam highlighted Joni’s use of vocabulary and vocal variety. Joni needs to improve on her facial expression as she appears happy throughout the speech. Facial expression could be varied to show her agony in looking after her children.

Best Speaker Leena Santore

Best Evaluator : Navin Parwal

To view photos taken at this meeting, go to


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