Good evening District Governor Aziz Mustajab and fellow toastmasters. It is, for me, a great privilege and honour to be installed as your president of Katong Toastmasters Club.

The position and role of the president, glamorous as it may sound, calls for being fully committed and having a deep sense of responsibility.

I would like to begin by thanking the previous committee team members of 2010, for having taken us through a very rewarding and eventful year.

A very special vote of thanks should go to Nik Chua, our immediate past president, and Joni Siah, (who is now our VPE in the new term), for their very valuable contributions. They have done us proud.

It is to Toastmaster Joni’s credit, that she has brought much glory and recognition to our club, by winning the championship award for the Best Evaluator in District 80 Competition of November 2010. And there a more great news.

Through our 3 talented members, Cynthia, Benjamin and Joni, whom participated in the recent Area Z3 International Speed Contest and Table Topics Contest on 31 March, they are now proud trophy winners.

We look to each and all of them for inspiration and their winning techniques, to prepare ourselves for the next round of contests on evaluation skills.

Our purpose is education and training. But our dream and aspiration is to realize our leadership ambitions and goals. To realize your potential in becoming a better speaker and a leader, you will be self-motivated to produce the best results and to be part of something great!

How can we build a great team?

Great teams run on the … F.A.S.T. track.


I think many of us lose our way after a while and think of Toastmaster as just another monthly get together meeting. Intention only confirms the purpose. It is your passion who is the ‘driver’ to fulfill the intention.


Our efforts should be aligned in helping each other. Be mindful of every fellow member’s needs and limitations. We must work closely to be a strong and supportive team.


Visit other clubs to network and interact with others. Create synergies for forging networking. By engaging, we also widen our social circle and broaden our horizon.


The fundamental building block of every great relationship and team spirit is trust. When a problem arises let us put our efforts together with faith and trust, and we will be able to come up with the best solutions.

It is said that a journey of a thousand miles, begins with the first step.

Let us begin the first step with a sense of mission and direction.

It is not about the destination, but the journey.


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