Once again, our annual joint meeting with Brilliant Advanced Toastmasters Club has come to fruition to mark our last meeting for the year 2010. Cynthia Koh opened the meeting with an ice-breaker activity that got everyone into a frenzy to find fellow toastmasters to sign on their friendship list with items such as 'has a pet', 'has been in Toastmasters for more than 3 years' and so on.

VP Membership from Brilliant Advanced Nishant Kasibhatla gave the opening address and thanked Katong TMC for initiating the joint meeting. He looks forward to more of such collaborations in future.

LE Joni Siah gave the word of the day 'ebullient' which means 'high-spirited or overflowing with enthusiasm and excitement', as in The audience was in an ebullient mood tonight.

1st speaker Yeo Choon Liang from Katong, presenting P2 Organise Your Speech, shared with us the benefits of swimming, using the abbreviation PSP, which stands for the physical, social and psychological benefits.

2nd speaker Suryadi Sukardi from Brilliant Advanced, in his P3 speech Get to the Point, shared an interesting story which enlightened us regarding the 'three doors to wisdom'.

3rd speaker Nishant, in his AP1 project from the Humorously Speaking manual, presented a formula for being happy and contented: CAG3 = charity, action, greet everyone with enthusiasm and think of 3 positive things everyday! He was voted the best speaker!

4th speaker Elaine Tan from Katong presented a toast to Katong's IPP Joni for being an inspiring leader to help Katong grow in numbers since joining the club in 2008 and for being a champion speaker.

1st evaluator Nik Chua commended Choon Liang on his speech structure which was clear and well-organised and recommended the use of a more appropriate speech title.

2nd evaluator Jean Giam enlightened us regarding the good, better and best aspects of Suryadi's speech: His use of a questioning technique in the introduction was good, his conclusion could have been better with inclusion of personal examples and the speech would have been best delivered with enhanced vocal variety.

3rd evaluator Benjamin Gan used the acronym TREES to dissect Nishant's speech. He commended Nishant's choice of Topic that the audience could Relate to, and recommended the use of Exaggeration, Emotions and the element of Surprise to create more humour. He was voted Best Evaluator!

4th evaluator Lim Seh Leng pointed out Elaine's strength in her choice of content for the toast. Suggestions for improvement included better eye-contact with the audience and correct protocol for the toast.

Table Topics master Andrew Lim named different aspects of Singapore that we could promote to attract tourists to Singapore. They included Sentosa, Merlion, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Esplanade, Mass Rapid Transit and Marina Bay Casino. Kelvin clinched the Best Table Topics Speaker ribbon for his rousing and persuasive spiel on why Marina Bay was the best place in Singapore for tourists to visit.

Language Evaluator Joni commended those who used the word of the day and rewarded Jean for using it the most number of times in her evaluation. She then proceeded to quiz the audience on the different language items she had on her list. The audience had to identify them as brickbats or bouqets and elaborate on their answers. (For the full LE report, click here

Ah Counter Yew Run Bin presented a meticulous and detailed report on the speakers' use of pause-fillers. This was followed by a presentation of awards to the 3 speakers voted Best for the night. The meeting ended on an ebullient note with the gift exchange as the audience were invited to come forward by age group, 1st those from 18-28, 29-39 and finally the rest who were young at heart!!

View photos of the meeting at our FACEBOOK site


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