District 80 Evaluation Contest 2010

Dear Katong members

Breaking news...

After four rounds of keen competition, Joni has emerged as the CHAMPION for the District 80 Evaluation Contest for 2010. That is to say, she is the BEST Evaluator for the whole of District 80 which covers a total of more than 200 clubs in Singapore and Thailand. It is a beautiful dream come true for Joni.

To win the championship for the district contest is indeed the dream of many toastmasters. Joni has not just brought the dream home to Katong and more importantly, she has demonstrated that with practice, perseverence, and passion, we too can achieve our dreams.

Joni, once again, on behalf of Katong members, I congratulate you for winning the CHAMPIONSHIP and inspiring us in our toastmaster journey.



  1. Nik,
    Thank you for your congratulatory note!! Thanks Ben, Nik, Ida and Elaine for your constant and unstinting support throughout the contests!! I wouldn't have made it without you!

    Once again, I want you to know that you are the wind beneath my wings!

    Katong rocks!!


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