President's Opening Address 16 September 2010

Last week, I came across a news article of a South Korean grandmother who took 960 attempts before she passed her driving test. This evening, I would like to share with you the inspiring story of her “never give up” attitude in helping her achieve her goal.

Her name is Grandma Cha Sa-soon, age 69. She had wanted to get a driver’s licence so she could drive her grandchildren to the zoo. But the problem was that she was illiterate and she had to pass a written test.

For three years beginning in April 2005, she took her driving test once a day, five days a week. Unfortunately, each time she took the test, she failed. After 3 years, her pace slowed to around twice a week, but she did not give up.

Finally, after 5 years and 960 attempts, she passed both the written and the practical phases of the exam and got her license. When she finally got her licence, everyone in the driving school went out to cheer and hug her, and give her flowers. She even appeared in a TV advertisement for Hyundai and was granted a free car (sponsored by Hyundai) to take her grandchildren to the zoo.

To many of us, passing a driving test is a simple task. But to an illiterate like Grandma Cha, the obstacle would seem insurmountable. What inspires me about her story was her “Never Give Up” attitude. Through her perseverance, she demonstrated to us that no task is too daunting for us to undertake if we persevere and never give up too easily.

In the pursuit of our dreams, we are faced with many obstacles and failures. Likewise, in our toastmaster journey, it could be a daunting and uphill task for many of us to master the art of public speaking.

How many of us would persevere until we achieve our dreams?

So, the next time when you feel like giving up, think of Grandma Cha and be inspired by her unwavering determination in realizing her dream.

Hang on and never give up, you will achieve your dream if you try hard enough.


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