
Showing posts from September, 2010

Synopsis for chapter meeting on 16 September 2010

Tonight there was a turnout of 12 members, 2 visiting toastmasters (Cynthia Koh from Tampines West and Victor Ng from IFPAS) and a guest Choon Liang, who had visited last month. Our club Treasurer Elaine Tan kick-started the meeting by getting us to share what we would have done, had we not been at the meeting tonight. Most mothers would be at home with their kids, singles would be exercising or sleeping or even working OT. Everyone was glad to be away from those duties to be at the Toastmaster meeting. Club President Nik Chua shared an inspiring story about a Korean grandmother who finally passed her driving test after 960 attempts in 5 years!! She was motivated to learn how to drive to fetch her grandchildren to the zoo. Her never-give-up attitude is an inspiration for all of us to keep reaching for our goals. VP Membership Bruce Pei officially welcomed our two new members Leena and Shailaja during the New Members Induction. They were presented with a welcome gift of the book ...